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Aix Scientifics®   Clinical Research Organisation

انتشارات علمی دکتر آیکه ج. فیشر

ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2033-2347

باز کردن همه خلاصه مقالات expand

تحقیقات بالینی :

  • Coronary artery bypass grafting supported with intracardiac microaxial pumps versus normothermic cardio pulmonary bypass: a prospective randomized trial.
    Meyns B, Autschbach R, Böning A, Konertz W, Matschke K, Schöndube F, Wiebe K, Fischer EG (2002)
    Europ.J.Cardio-thoracic Surgery 22,1:112-117   [Bart Meyns et al.] . [PMID] [DOI]
  • Collection of WBC-reduced single-donor PLT concentrates with the new blood cell separator: results of a multicentre study.
    [Coleta de concentrados plaquetários de doador único com reduzido teor de leucócitos com um novo separador de células sanguíneas: resultados de um estudo multicêntrico.]
    Moog R, Zeiler T, Heuft HG, Stephan B, Fischer EG, Kretschmer V, Rödel-Spieker R, Strasser E, Zingsem J (2003)
    Transfusion 43,8:1107-1114 + Corrections: 43,10:1502  
    [PMID] [DOI]
  • Evaluation of the COM.TEC cell separator in predicting the yield of harvested CD34+ cells.
    Movassaghi K, Jaque G, Schmitt-Thomssen A, Fischer EG, Paulus M, Heuft HG, Schwella N (2007)
    Transfusion 47,5:824-831 [PMID] [DOI]
  • Donor safety in triple plateletpheresis: results from the German and Austrian Plateletpheresis Study Group multicenter trial.
    Heuft HG, Moog R, Fischer EG, Zingsem J; German and Austrian Plateletpheresis Study Group (2013)
    Transfusion 53,1:211-220   [Hans-Gert Heuft et al.] . [PMID] [DOI]
  • Donor safety in haemapheresis: Development of an Internet-based registry for comprehensive assessment of adverse events from healthy donors.
    Heuft HG, Fischer EG, Weingand T, Burkhard T, Leitner L, Baume H, Schmidt J, Buser A, Fauchald G, Reinicke Voigt U, Mansouri-Taleghani B, for the Haemapheresis Vigilance Working Party of the German Society for Transfusion Medicine and Immunohaematology (2017)
    Transfus. Med. Hemother. 44(3):188-200   [Hans-Gert Heuft et al.] . [PMID] [PMC] [DOI]
  • EIT monitors valid and robust regional ventilation distribution in pathologic ventilation states in porcine study using differential DualEnergy-CT (ΔDECT)
    Reinartz SD, Imhoff M, Tolba R, Fischer F; Fischer EG, Teschner E, Koch S, Gärber Y, Isfort P, Gremse F. (2019)
    Scientific Reports 9:9796   [Sebastian Daniel Reinartz et al.] . [PMID] [DOI]

فارماکولوژی / ایمونولوژی :

  • ß-Endorphin modulates immune functions - A review.
    Fischer EG, Falke NE (1984)
    Psychother.Psychosom. 42,1-4:195-204 [PMID] [DOI]
  • Cell shape of polymorphonuclear leucocytes is influenced by opioids.
    Falke NE, Fischer EG (1985)
    Immunobiology 169,5:532-539 [PMID] [DOI]
  • Stereospecific opiate binding in living human polymorphonuclear leucocytes.
    Falke NE, Fischer EG, Martin R (1985)
    Cell Biol.int.Rep. 9,11:1041-1047 [PMID] [DOI]
  • Opioid effects in human granulocytes (PMN)
    Fischer EG, Falke NE (1985)
    Adv.Pharmacol.Res.Pract. Vol.2,Sect.3:243-250 (Akademiai Kiado, Budapest) [DOI]
  • Opiate receptor mediated internalization of 125I-ß-endorphin in human polymorphonuclear leucocytes.
    Falke NE, Fischer EG (1986)
    Cell Biol.int.Rep. 10,6:429-435 [PMID] [DOI]
  • The influence of endogenous opioid peptides on venous granulocytes.
    Fischer EG, Falke NE (1986)
    (Plotnikoff NP et al.) Enkephalins and Endorphins: Stress and the Immune System. :263-272 (Plenum, New York) [DOI]
  • Interaction of Met-enkephalin with human granulocytes.
    Fischer EG, Falke NE (1987)
    Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. 496:146-150 [PMID] [DOI]
  • Endogenous opioid peptides stimulate human phagocytes - functional and binding studies.
    Fischer EG, Falke NE (1987)
    Adv.Biosciences 66:373-379
  • Opioid peptides modulate immune functions. A review.
    Fischer EG (1988)
    Immunopharmacol.Immunotoxicol. 10,3: 265-326 [PMID] [DOI]
  • Endothelial cell-basement membrane interactions.
    Kirkpatrick CJ, Rixen H, Axer T, Schmitz U, Hollweg G, Klee D, Wajda R, Kampe M, Fischer EG, Mittermayer C. (1989)
    (Westerhof N, Gross DR) Vascular Dynamics and Physiological Perspectives. NATO Adv.Res.Workshop 166,Chap.10:135-148 (Plenum Publ.Corp., New York)
  • In vitro studies on the expansion of endothelial cell monolayers on components of the basement membrane.
    Kirkpatrick CJ, Kampe M, Rixen H, Fischer EG, Ruchatz D, Mittermayer C (1990)
    Virchows Arch.(B) Cell Pathol. 58,3:207-213 [PMID]
  • Migration assay for endothelial cells in multiwells. Application to studies on the effect of opioids.
    Fischer EG, Stingl A, Kirkpatrick CJ (1990)
    J.Immunol.Meth. (1990) 128:235-239 [PMID] [DOI]
  • Opioid influence on the adherence of granulocytes to human umbilical vein endothelial cells in vitro.
    Fischer EG, Stingl A, Kirkpatrick CJ (1990)
    Cell Biol.int.Rep. 14,9:797-804 [PMID] [DOI]
  • Differential expansion of human endothelial monolayers on basement membrane and interstitial collagens, laminin and fibronectin in vitro.
    Kirkpatrick CJ, Kampe M, Fischer EG, Rixen H, Richter H, Mittermayer C (1990)
    Pathobiology 58,4:221-225 [PMID] [DOI]
  • Effect of fibrinogen fragments D and E on the adhesive properties of human granulocytes to vein endothelial cells.
    Fischer EG, Vogel P, Ziegler AS; Kirkpatrick CJ (1991)
    Haemostasis 21,3:141-146 [PMID] [DOI]
  • In vitro studies on PMN-independent endothelial cell damage in trauma: decrease of PMN-endothelial cell adherence by fibrinogen degradation products and disturbance of endothelial cell membrane integrity by trauma serum.
    Vogel P, v.d.Beek J, Marohl K, Fischer EG, Kirkpatrick CJ (1993)
    Eur.Surg.Res. 25,2:83-90 [PMID] [DOI]

عصب شناسی :

  • Glutamic acid diethyl ester induces catalepsy in rats. A new model for schizophrenia ?
    Kornhuber J, Fischer EG (1982)
    Neurosci.Lett. 34,3:325-329 [PMID] [DOI]
  • Failure to detect dopamine receptor IgG autoantibodies in sera of schizophrenic patients.
    v.Kirchbach A, Fischer EG, Kornhuber HH (1987)
    J.Neural.Transm. 70,1-2:175-179 [PMID] [DOI]
  • T-Lymphocyte subpopulations in multiple sclerosis - Do they help to judge immunosuppressive therapy ?
    Henneberg A, Fischer EG, Kornhuber HH (1988)
    Eur.Arch.Psychiatry Neurol.Sci. 238,2:94-96 [PMID]
  • Are there antilymphocyte autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis patients ?
    Fischer EG, Ahlers F, Kornhuber HH, Henneberg A (1989)
    J.Neurol.Sci. 93,2-3:319-322 [PMID] [DOI]

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